News Archive
11/19/2024 - Bladenboro BOC Meeting 11/2611/19/2024 - Notice of Public Review and Hearing - Annual Plan and Operation Budget11/4/2024 - Celebrating Veterans Day! (Monday, November 11, 2024)10/27/2024 - Daylight Savings Time Ends (Sunday, November 3, 2024)10/24/2024 - Halloween Safety Tips (Thursday, October 31, 2024)10/15/2024 - Bladen BOC Meeting 10/2210/3/2024 - Public Housing Waitlist Opens 10/189/17/2024 - Bladenboro BOC Meeting 9/249/17/2024 - National Voter Registration Day9/17/2024 - Get Out The Vote with NAHRO Votes8/26/2024 - Celebrating Labor Day! (Monday, September 2, 2024)8/20/2024 - How to Report Fraud!8/20/2024 - Sign up for News!8/13/2024 - Bladen BOC Meeting 8/208/7/2024 - BHA Offices Closed Thursday, 8/87/16/2024 - Bladenboro BOC Meeting 7/237/1/2024 - Wait List Open (3, 4 and 5 Bedroom) July 15, 20246/28/2024 - Job Opening: Occupancy Specialist6/27/2024 - Happy Independence Day! (Thursday, July 4, 2024)6/18/2024 - Bladen BOC Meeting 6/25