Notice - Policy and Lease - Available for Review
Bladen and Bladenboro Housing Authorities are proposing changes to their policy and lease as listed above. Both documents are available in the PHA main office for review. Anyone may come in during regular hours of operation and review the revised pages and lease. The ACOP revisions will be effective August 14th, 2023, with most of the changes addressed at our resident meetings in June.
The proposed new lease will be effective September 11th, 2023. There is a comment period available for any resident who would like to submit a comment or concern to the PHA main office. You may do so by mailing in your comments at the address listed above or hand deliver them to the main office. The deadline for all comments on the new lease is August 14th, 2023.
Any comments received will be considered and addressed. Following this, if the new lease is approved, all residents will be required to execute a new lease with the PHA. Information on this will be provided at a later date upon approval of the new lease.